dera GLAZE

High performance epoxy coating
  • Topcoat
  • Indoor
Dera GLAZE is an epoxy based industrial coating for various flooring applications. It cures to form a hard, semi gloss surface that has good resistance to wear and water, acids and bases and is recommended to indoor applications only. General purpose indoor flooring.

It is not recommended for applications where UV or aromatic solvent resistance is needed. DeraGLAZE contains no solvents, including benzyl alcohol and is totally VOC-free.

Key properties

  • RAL colours
  • 2-component, solvent-free system
  • high film build
  • good overall chemical and heat resistance

Typical properties

  • Pendulum hardness after 7 days [s] 105 ISO 1522
  • tear strength [kN/m] 20 ASTM D-624
  • elongation at break [%] 5 DIN EN ISO 527
  • solid content [%] 100
  • Taber Abrasion mass loss4) [mg] 16 ASTM-D04060, 1kg, 1000 cycles



  • general purpose industrial floorings


Indoor: General purpose flooring

All surfaces must be dry and before application dust, oil or dirt is removed by appropriate means. If the substrate is in very bad condition, it is recommend pretreating the surface by shot blasting or diamond grinding. Pre treatment of the surfaces is high ly recommended in order to get proper adhesion.

substrate material  pre-treatment  primer / activator 
concrete  diamond grinding, shot blasting  DeraFLOW + Deracure Curing Agent 600 
brick  high pressured water, drying  Fresh SA-1 + DeraFLOW + Deracure Curing Agent 600 

gel coat, wood, MDF 

shot blasting, sanding 


Fresh SA-1 


The working temperature should be 15 24°C. Curing agent is supplied with resin part. Add the curing agent accordingly and mix the components well in given ratio (mechanical mixing unit is recommended, approx. 300 rpm). The mixing ratio is given in the la bel.

After mixing apply product with brush or roller. Clean tools with acetone or equivalent.

The coated surface must be protected from direct water contact for 12 15 hours after application. Surface is tack free after 15 hours depending on the conditions. The product will reach complete cure within 14 days at room temperature.

Storage & Handling

Keep tightly capped when not in use. Handle in a well ventilated area. Store indoors at room temperature in the original containers kept tightly closed. Protect form direct sun light. Detailed safety information is contained in a material data safety sheet.

10 kg, 20 kg, 200 kg


Product variants

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dera GLAZE

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