It is designed to be used as a base gel coat that needs to be top coated with HybridRED 200 series after demoulding.
Key properties
- designed for maximum thermal insulation
- low smoke generation during fire
- very low heat transfer and release
- halogen free
Typical properties
- black
- styrenebased, MEKP catalyzedsystem
- wide application window
- can be applied with brush, roller or spray
- various composite parts in infrastructure, marine, railway and transport industrywhere both fire and thermal protection is required
- not intended to use as a final surface –needs finishing with hybridRED 200-series
The working temperature should be 15–25°C and relative humidity should not exceed 80 %. All mould surfaces must be clean, dry and properly prepared prior to application.
If the product is supplied non-accelerated(for stability reasons), add 3% PureACC and mix well.
PureACC reacts vigorously with peroxides! Explosion hazard! Do not allow direct contact with MEKP!
Add 2% MEKP and mix well.
After mixing itis ready to use butviscosity can be adjusted withstyreneif required. Working time is 60minutesdepending on the ambient temperature.Clean tools with acetone or equivalent.
Application with high pressure spray gun
nozzle size: 429pressure: 120 –140 barwet film thickness: 800 μm
Storage & Handling
Store indoorsina cool and dry place avoiding direct sunlight in the original tightly closed pails and drums. Opening the container reduces the storage time significantly. Therefore,it is recommended to use the product as soon as the container has been opened. Handle ina well-ventilated area. Detailed safety information is contained in a material data safety sheet.Typical shelf life is minimum 12 months.